Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Like a Tick

I sent a message out to our honorable blog "master" Jason, telling him the sight added something new to add to your Blogs.  It is a chance for a reader to make a reaction to the Blog.  Lovely.!!  He was right on it, and it is set up.  Thanks to Huff, I can react to her Blog.!  Cheers my friend.  I hope you have a swell day for painting outside with all that bright light and color to work with.  Finding a Sunflower to paint is hard to do.!!  Yeah, well for me just painting it would be hard to do also.  I ended up in a huge bad mood today and didn't paint.  I did put frames around what I have painted though.  Why, I have no idea.  But I guess they are really finished when the frame is added?  Bob is having a ball with all these new programs you can use with the computer and your camera shots.  His are getting more like paintings everyday. 
I think I am anxious about the 4th.  I am planning meals in my head and will shop tomorrow, but you know me.  I over buy food and under cook every chance I get.  Ask me about my London Broil some time.  ush.
Yeah, my title had nothing to do with what I wrote today.  There was a centipede in the bottom of the pool the other day.  All black and armored with all these red legs.  Does this Blog have spell check Jason?

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