Sunday, July 10, 2011


Today I painted.  With Bob.  The back porch railing was faded and needed it.  Bob did the sanding and I helped paint/stain.   The weather was cloudy and really not so hot or humid.  The paint turned out to be $80.00 a gallon.  The people who built this house really were rich.  All the wood has this red transparent, shiny, stain/paint.  It really is lovely, but we thought we could eventually paint over it to deter the wood bee's.  This stuff is oil based.  I messed up a pair of shorts and a nice shirt working.  I should have known that if I oil paint, I do get it all over myself.!! hahaha
I just finished a good book too.  We enjoy reading James Rollins' novels.  His books are full of history and facts and this newest one was the same way.   The name of the book is "The Devil Colony: a sigma Force Novel."  At the end of the book he explains the facts from the fiction but like usual  he leaves you with the feeling maybe it isn't so fiction after all.   Laura and Chris are reading the Crown of Thrones or Thorns or whatever that series that is running right now.  They bought the books and are watching the series at the same time.  Then they discuss it along the way.  I think that is good for a couple.!!  The show is pretty up front on the nudity.  When you are prisoner and stripped and running behind a horse until you can't anymore and start getting dragged etc.  It is pretty realistic.  Maybe a little science fiction too?  I haven't kept up on it much.
I have the message about Valerie's art class also.  I didn't understand how you could take pencil and make it into the painting, so maybe one of you are going to the class and can explain it.

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