Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hey dove's, how's it going?

There has been a sort of story going on around here.  It has been fun to read about and also reading the letters to the editor which is called "Tell Willie".  Sort of like the one in Bartlesville where you can remain unknown and say whatever you want to.  There is a local person that has written a book about this area.
  ( You in B'Ville have one of those too.!!)  She put together this museum of pictures etc and they put it down town in the main business building.  Well, the Blue Ridge Art Assoc.  had an artist show and needed more room and wanted to hang more pictures and someone without authority said, move the permanent exhibit into storage for a  while then put them there.  Well the owner of that History exhibit went ballistic and it made the papers.  The art was removed, the original " permanent exhibit of Seneca was put back.  But she called their exhibit refuse.  That started it all up again.  Until Willy came to the rescue and told us this: From our art smart friends....Most of us laymen don't know the meaning of the word "refuse" applied to art.  It's not a smear.  It just means work not selected for the main show and placed in a secondary show.  The word came from France in 1863, when the first Salon des Refuses was held.  Some artists whose work was exhibited in that show included Manet, Whistler, Cezanne , and Pissarro.  It's not a put down; just an art term.  Well, there you go.  I think everyone everywhere should have a chance to be involved with such an art exhibit.  I will have one when I have enough of my stuff upstairs taking up so much room I need to move it.  I already know our bug man would " love" to have my first try at a sail boat on Lake Keowee. ( He's going to have to pay for it though... nothing is free.)

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