Sunday, May 6, 2012

Full moon artists

There is this group of artists called Full moon.  They are at  They have a sale twice a year and open their studios for tours and sell their wares at a discount.   Then they invite one other artist to each studio to display their art, and do demo's for the day.  We knew about the open house from the paper, and two of them just happen to be very close to us, so we stopped and visited.  The Lady above is a guest artist.  She has a commercial art degree and loves to paint in water color ( her demo above she was working on)  and oil.  She agreed with me that she knows  no oil painting teachers in this area.  She puts some white stuff on the paper that peels off when she wants a clear white area.  Didn't know about that, but she is very good on painting buildings .  There also is a group in Clemson, an art guild, but theater arts are included in this group.  They meet on Tuesday evening once a month.  Their fee is $40.00a year also, but that and another $10.00 gives you a space in their shows for joining. ( haha that is for me.)  So I had some art experiences this weekend.  We watched a woodworker make a bowl, and see ceramic's in another studio that are very functional.  Not just for looks.  She is good at her work too.  So, this area is teeming with artists, I just haven't found what fits yet.  Their studio's were specially built and really were nice.  But they have been doing their art for 30 years.....So visit their web sight and tour. Her name is Beti Strobeck by the way. 

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