Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Older boat painting repainted

So, I am not done with my boat painting I took to my new teacher.  I have the boat and the water to do next Thursday and then it should be done.  It really is good right now.  I wanted to paint today a little and decided to try and fix the painting I had done earlier of another sail boat scene I had tried to do.  I think I posted it earlier.  Anyway, I didn't spray the canvas or anything, just painted over the top of the canvas but with the colors that she is suggesting I learn to use and stayed away from all the rest that I have on my board.  I really think it worked out very well and I am proud of the finished product.  Her instruction stuck.!!
The Marines have arrived here in Seneca.  Keowee Key's subdivision invites some Marines from a close Military hospital to spend a week on the Lake.  They had a parade and Motorcycle's  lead the way.  Almost 500 motorcycle's were in the parade.  The Marines were in Jeep's provided by a local Jeep club.  There were lots of people along the route to wave and clap as they passed by.  The home owners of Keowee Key's will host the Marines and feed them.  They have access to boats, fishing trips, Sea Do's, swimming, and golf.  I think they have a grand old time.  Tonight there is a Bar B Q for them at a local Center, with all people in the area invited to enjoy the evening and to visit with the Marines.  There will be meals for everyone, and music to entertain.  I really admire this subdivision for putting themselves out to give these soldiers a break from the Hospital and a real home to relax in when not playing on the lake or  their golf course.

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