Thursday, June 30, 2011

ya da ya da

I didn't paint today either.  Yeah, I know, I am deep into not painting this week.  I bought a steam cleaner for my kitchen.  My housekeeper was gone last week to Florida and I had to clean the kitchen.   So, I am after something new to clean with.  I mean a mop is so.... antique.!! 
I was reading Southwest Magazine for this month too.  They interview Todd Williams and printed one of his pictures, but the main subject was about Todd's mentor.... read it to find out who that is.  The mentor likes to share and teach.  His students are lucky to get such wisdom and help besides the friendship.  I have quite a few mentor's when it comes to painting.  Everyone can teach me, I am a sponge at this point.  But one voice rattles around in my head, saying "just look at all that color".  Thanks Gail for being a swell teacher and friend.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Like a Tick

I sent a message out to our honorable blog "master" Jason, telling him the sight added something new to add to your Blogs.  It is a chance for a reader to make a reaction to the Blog.  Lovely.!!  He was right on it, and it is set up.  Thanks to Huff, I can react to her Blog.!  Cheers my friend.  I hope you have a swell day for painting outside with all that bright light and color to work with.  Finding a Sunflower to paint is hard to do.!!  Yeah, well for me just painting it would be hard to do also.  I ended up in a huge bad mood today and didn't paint.  I did put frames around what I have painted though.  Why, I have no idea.  But I guess they are really finished when the frame is added?  Bob is having a ball with all these new programs you can use with the computer and your camera shots.  His are getting more like paintings everyday. 
I think I am anxious about the 4th.  I am planning meals in my head and will shop tomorrow, but you know me.  I over buy food and under cook every chance I get.  Ask me about my London Broil some time.  ush.
Yeah, my title had nothing to do with what I wrote today.  There was a centipede in the bottom of the pool the other day.  All black and armored with all these red legs.  Does this Blog have spell check Jason?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well the sunflowers that the birds planted are starting to bloom and my orange-ish echinacea is just stunning. Tomorrow I plan to set up the easel outside and paint. think the flowers and the umbrellas might be fun.. Maybe too much but nothing ventured...if it works out I will post a pic?
Hope you have a wonderful fourth.

Monday before July 4th.!!

I would assume that you all have plans in place for the 4th of July.  It is my daughter in law, Brandy's, birthday.  What a day for that.!!  Every year you get fireworks on your birthday along with great food and parades and waving flags with everyone in a good mood.
I didn't paint today.  Instead, Bob and I went to Barnes and Nobel in Greenville.  I haven't been in that awesome store in ages.  The Kindle is the reason for that.  They did have some authors I love to read that had books on sale cheaper than using the Kindle to order them.  But we wanted some magazines and no one around Seneca carries much that we want to read.  Bob stocked up on Photo magazines and guitar ones.  I bought International Artist, American Artist Highlights with step by step painting guides,  American Art collector, American Artist ( which had a painting on the front that looked right out of Jana's special art except there wasn't any sparkle on it.)  I also got two children's books, one on color and the other on getting lost, some water color paints in subjects they love right  now ( Tinker bell etc.)  And Barbie fuzzy stickers.  I probably spent more time looking for stuff for the granddaughters than myself.  I did look for a good coffee table book by an artist, but they didn't have any I liked.  No Fechin.. or...  So that will be a goal on another day as long as this store manages to stay open.  That will be a sad day. The magazines all had pictures of what Diana would look like now.  She looked pretty good.  A skinny ol lady with good clothes sense. There were lots of people, just sitting around reading in chairs and benches, and drinking coffee using their computers etc.  There were kids all over the floors reading.  So, you know for kids, this rates right up with going to the zoo in fun.  And it was a lot cooler inside the store.   My spelling is vanishing, but my joy isn't.  So, figure out the words.. I will paint tomorrow.

Monday, June 27, 2011

This is a free style painting I have done latest.  It was from a photo Bob had taken of some flowers outside the house.  It as usual isn't the best photo of the painting, but I am pretty proud of it.  It has depth.  And it is on that new board I have to hold smaller paintings.  The two boards sqeeze the painting to the spot you want it then you screw it tight on the back.  Very similar to the one that Gail has and that her husband is making for us.  It is very useful.  I have a love of green and use it too much in every picture.  I need to start trying grey's like Quiang does.  That is the challenge isn't it?  I'll be busy this 4th of July weekend with family and friends.  We took the boat out and filled it with gas now while the Monday is slow on the water.  The Campground is full of trailers already.  Someone bought the "Castle" and we saw workers there today.  I'll send a picture of this poor run down dream home.  I believe it ended up selling at a forclosure auction.