Saturday, October 1, 2011

Painting skin color suggestions

For a Cracker...( hehe couldn't resist that.) : 1. a hunk of white in the middle of the face.
 2 tiny bit of cad red light 3. Tiny bit of cad ( golden) yellow med.  NEVER LEMON. 4. viridian green or permanent green for shadows.  Warm-yellow ochre or raw sienna and red cad light for the ears and nostrils and ends of the fingers and toes.  Cool=tan and green ( raw sienna and perm green light) 
Under neck depends on the clothing:  Deep dark red and green, lavender and blue and orange highlights around the edges.  Study Reubin's paintings to understand what was just written.

For dark skin:  Dark red, deep sap green,dark blue, orange, red green, and never black from the tube.

For Oriental:
  Raw sienna, yellow ochre, Lavender, true reds and violets.  Golden yellow.  Dark blue and dark red for the shadows.  also for Olive skin.
 Now I know this is kind of confusing, but it gives you a list of what works best for the least change and variety in skin.
All the colors that our Portrait teacher has asked us to show up with.  Now I just have to get my canvas ready.  I guess since we have to use 4 canvas of two sizes, I"ll be busy doing that now.  I used the suggested  youtube web sight to tone the canvases:  Or you could just type in a search of how to tone a canvas.  Yipes.  My head already hurts.  Night all


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