Saturday, October 1, 2011

Getting ready for the next class

There is a class in Bartlesville, Ok this month.  It is going to be portrait painting in oil by Mr. Kalwik.  You can go to his web sight to see what lovely paintings he produces.  So, once again I am in a tizzy thinking, will I learn and understand and grow from yet a new teacher?  I hope he explains well.
I hit Youtube for information on painting and it is a wealth of artists willing to share their knowledge free.  I am so grateful for their sharing.  I went to George Allen Durkee's class.  I watched Sharon Sprung paint colors on her arm to explain skin colors.  I went to and watched one of their video's.  One of the best was to learn about trees and bushes etc.  I think there are 80 videos on that sight.
I learned about oiling out a canvas.  I need to get some stuff to try that. The gamblin sight suggested you use galpin paint medium and gambasol even mix ( 50/50)  and after you paint it on with a brush you let it sit 3 minutes and wipe it off with cheese cloth.   You can do it half through the painting when it is dry and just not at the finished work.  Varnish is nice to use but not until a LONG time after the painting is finished, and it was to protect the painting and make it easy to clean the painting.  The teacher said we don't live in such a smoky environment anymore to use that protection much.  When you clean a painting that has Varnish, you basically take the varnish off and have to put it back.
I watched video's on color wheels and didn't know that both sides of the color make the shadow and medium color, so it would be easier for me to find the three basic colors on something.  You add the opposite color on the color wheel to get the shadow, next color up on the wheel to make the hi-light and add the next color down on the wheel to make the darker color.
Did you know that 4 parts blue, 2 parts red and 1 part yellow makes black?  I just bought a $16.00 tube of black.  ush...
In my next post I'll drag out the colors suggested to paint certain skin colors...
Now, show me how to paint a face from scratch.  That I didn't find yet.

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