I have added a little something to my email. Now when Yahoo YouTube down loads a new video on painting it pops up on my email and I can go look at it to watch and learn. A little helper I believe.
We are having trouble with critters at the lake. Nothing new since we live in the "wild" and I realize we are pushing these poor animals out of their homes faster and faster. The racoons are tearing up the yard. Someone said they have watched them roll up a whole yard of grass getting to the grub worms underneath. We just have them digging in the soft mulch so far. But they are back almost every night. Not so good is the beaver. We saw that he managed to take down a huge Crepe myrtl down by the lake. We have 4 of them down there. He took down all but one limb on one and had started scraping all the others. So now we have fenced them in to keep him away from them. I understand they don't like the native trees. ( hahaha) So now Bob is looking for where the little bugger must be making his new home. He dragged down some HUGE limbs by the way. Reading about them on line was an eye opener believe me. They are the most destructive animal on the planet.. right behind man himself.
I forgot to take a picture of my painting of Steph. I'll have to have them do it when the gift is opened. I see where Richard is going to return to Bartlesville in the late Spring/Summer for another painting class. This time outside. He really is a great teacher. Go to Bartlesville Art Association on line to see what and who is going to be teaching classes next year. The Blue Ridge Art Center in Seneca, S.C. has some art classes lined up also if you are in that area. There is even a ceramic class.!!
Happy Holiday's to all of you.
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