Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Year

I finished a portrait of Jason.  It turned out really well done I think.  But I made his head rather large for the canvas I put it on.  I don't think those are things most artists are taught.  Canvas size in painting.  So, I start on one of Jeremy next.
I have it on my calendar to pay the rest of my class for Valdez Art class with Laura Robb next month.  I hope everyone is busy cleaning their brushes, watching video's to improve their skills, setting up for quick paintings and learning to use few colors to get all you want out of a picture.  This time I worked with just one or two colors at a time on my pallet and not only was it a challenge but I used a heck of a lot less paint to drying out etc.  My gutter set up I got from Liz is working out pretty good now.  The paint stopped sliding around when I put it together to put in the fridge.  Great invention.!!
The reserve down here in South Carolina is looking for visiting artists to stay at their Condo's and paint for a couple of days.  A great idea and a great chance to spread out from the West painter friends.  Go on line to the Reserve in South Carolina to find out more.   loves ya all.

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