Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Finished latest try on bottles.

Once again I am messing with bottles.  I will get them transparent one of these days. I loved doing this practice and loved the colors I used.  Oh well.:)  I bought a bottle tree when we drove up to the Highlands with Jason and Brandy last week.  I don't know if JoAnn is using her's, but I decided I wanted one too.  I know there is some reason for them.  Ghosts or evil spirits or something.  I'll have to research what it is.  I think it is Indian lore.
Hello Doves....I sent Jo a magazine article about doing an auction of paintings.  Jason and Brandy said they want Walt's picture someday.  I mentioned to them that it will be an auction painting.  I guess the article is about Art Groups putting on an Auction to raise money for their club and artists getting a chance to sell their paintings.  It said some don't get what they want or hoped to get but that is the chance you take.  But if it becomes a regular program, then paintings have to go up as people become familiar with the artists.etc.  I hope the second time I tried to send it to Jo the article loaded.

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