Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Making my own canvas

I called another Dove yesterday.  Liz.  She and that beloved dog were already up and running which I am thankful for, because I am one hour difference in time and I get up and run early.  Not run, but moving...  I needed some info on the glue and board to make my own canvas.  I bought some cotton ( not up for linen yet) when I was in Santa Fe, some cloth to make my own canvas.  I found a web sight after I bothered her and it told in detail what to do to make your own.  They don't make masonite any more.  Birch they sell around here is too thick.  So I have this finished sanded board that looks ok to use so I will practice with it.  I'll ask the neighbor to cut the board accurately.  His wife has been bored and is going to join the art class down town. She has been a stewardess, a registered Nurse and a Physicians Assistant in her lifetime.  She is going to use my stuff for Thursday.  After all she may not like doing this after all.  She is leaning toward pastel's though.  So, I ordered my special glue.. my muck sort to speak and await it's coming.  The store is closed this week for vacation. ( figures)  And they won't ship it if it will freeze.  I'll make a  little canvas at first to see if I can get it right, then move on to a large one.  I'll take my large canvas with me when I go to class, in two weeks, to start the painting for the Condo.  I"ll send you the photo I"ll be working from.  I am so excited about doing this and doing it very contemporary in style.  Since the teacher is VERY tight, I hope she can show me how or explain what to do.  She paints hair upside down, one stroke at a time.!!  I'll have to do Jason's picture over I can see that and try to do it tight like her, to practice this.
I understand Gail's class was awesome.  You painted pears, then boxes with ribbons and she taught you all kinds of new stuff.  And that Richard Kalwick will be there in October?  I should go to that one since I missed Gail's.
Take care..

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